Saturday, March 15, 2008

A Miracle to sufferers of Ear, Nose, Throat issues, Sinusitis, Allergies, Ear infections, and Tooth Decay! Especially for Children! 很棒的自然鼻子藥

Dear Ones,

If you, a child, or a loved one suffer from any Ear Nose Throat problems EVER... read on and try an all natural, non-chemical, non-addictive, non-prescription remedy that has been a miracle for me! I'm not selling anything... but I will direct you to a website that sells the following Xylitol products in hopes that it works the same miracles for you that has for me! After teaching Kindergarten for 5 years in Taiwan, I've seen my share of snotty noses (thousands!), and there is no reason for them anymore! 很棒的自然鼻子藥:

Preventing Ear Infections in Children Naturally:

I suffered from ear infections as an infant, to recurring strep throat infections as a child, to sinusitis (recurrent sinus infections) and loss of my sense of smell as a teen and adult. Most recently I was diagnosed with asthma for the first time in an emergency room in Taiwan following an "uncontrollable coughing attack" due to "allergies". These ENT symptoms and syndromes are common for so many of us. My main complaints (now cured) were stuffy nose, constant excess mucous, yellow-green mucous, head congestion, soar throats, frequent coughs, etc.

Western medicine offered me antibiotics, antihistamines, decongestants, and finally suggested surgery on my "deviated septum".

Traditional Chinese Medicine offered me daily doses of herbal medicine and acupuncture. After taking herbal medicine regularly for 4 years I experienced no lasting effect and when I stopped taking the medicine, my symptoms returned.

I tried the neti pot with salt water, then added Hydrogen Peroxide, baking soda, and grape fruit seed extract. The neti helped little. I tried extreme dietary changes and even fasting many times... up to 15 days on water only, the "Master Cleanse", but these helped little too. I tried allergy medicines and pharmeceutical sinus sprays to no avail. I tried practicing yoga and tai chi for 6 hours a day... nope. I tried so many other things that I don't even remember... but nothing has worked as amazingly as Xlear!

Also, I've made some recent DIETARY CHANGES:
One thing that also seems to help and effect my sinuses is sugar. I've cut processed sugar out of my diet almost completely. Now when I want something sweet, I eat an apple or a few raisins. When I eat a lot of processed sugar now (in the form of desserts), my sinuses do get stuffy or irritated. I've also stopped eating leavened breads. They are usually high in sugar (most breads contain sugar as the second ingredient). I still occasionally eat sprouted grain breads (like ezkeil, manna, or german unleavened breads). But many people do react to breads' gluten, yeasts, or sugars. I'm not sure how big a role cutting out sugar and bread have played into my sinusitus recovery.

After returning to America last year and visiting my friend Stephen (thank you Stephen!!!), he recommended I try Xlear Nasal Wash spray. Xlear is now sold at many health food stores and can be bought at discounted prices online.
List Price $13.49 --- Sale Price $8.89

Xlear is not only for acute infections... one will achieve best results if it is used regularly and preventatively to keep the sinuses clean. We wash our hands all the time. How often do you wash your sinuses?

Here are some consumer reviews of Xlear:

Here is some fascinating info and background about xylitol and Xlear by it's developer:
Xlear Page:
You can also read what each doctor in the "Doctors Corner" (of the same page) has written about xylitol.

I have since done heavy research into the product and how to make it myself. I suggest you buy a bottle and see how you like it. If you use it regularly and want to make the solution yourself, read on.

1 Pound of "Xylosweet" Xylitol Powder

More info from Xlear and information on how Xylitol can help ear and throat infections:
Nasal-Xylitol Page:

Xlear Patent Page (You are allowed to make the solution for personal use):

I made my first batch of Xylitol Nasal Wash and it is working well. Here is my first recipe:

I mixed the following ingredients together, put them in a 16 oz. (500ml) water bottle, and shook it up. I keep the extra in the fridge (probably doesn't need refrigeration).

2 cups of purified water
1 teaspoon sea salt
5 teaspoons of Xylitol powder
6 drops of Grapefruit Seed Extract (GSE liquid) anti-bacterial, viral, fungal, natural preservative

I usually apply the nasal wash twice a day while I'm still in bed. Once in the morning when I wake up and once before going to sleep. The way I use the spray is I tilt my head forward (bending over slightly), point the tip of the spray bottle in each sinus straight up (toward the back of my head), spray twice in each nostril, keep my head tilted forward for 10-30 seconds (to allow the solution to spread into my sinuses), then I lay down for a few minutes and let the solution run back into my sinuses. I no longer need to blow my nose (nose blowing being highly discouraged by ENT's). I used to have to blow my nose numerous times per day! After a week of using Xlear, I experienced major improvements in my sinus Happiness!!!

You can purchase empty nasal spray bottles here (to share your solution with family and friends):

I'd like to experiment with adding other popular natural nasal wash ingredients such as colloidal silver, hydrogen peroxide, bakingsoda, and ??? Tell me about your nasal wash recipes.

This girl tried xylitol in her neti pot:

Happy Sinuses, Ears, Noses, and Throats to All!!!
Precious James


Chris LaBarbera said...

Xlear really helped with my seasonal allergies. The old salt water trick quit working and I tries the Xlear....
This is good stuff!

Precious James 包吉米 said...

Great Chris! Works wonders for my nasal clarity as well!

Unknown said...

Is that really works? if it is true, then it will be helpful for those who can't afford to see a doctor. but if you want to be sure, visit an ENT doctor.

JS Grame-Smith said...

I think neti pot is really work on to the sinus infections.

Neti pot

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