Sunday, February 18, 2007

Chinese Studies & New Learning Tools Discovered!

Began the New Year delving into Chinese studies. What better way to begin the Chinese New Year! I found some great online resources. The first two of which provide online Chinese Study through multimedia... Awesome! I've been searching for tools like these for years! Now I don't have to sign up for Chinese class this semster! I can stay at my computer, peering over the screen at my beautiful view of the Taidong mountains and skip the drive to the University. Spread the word and share any cool tools you find!

Chinese Pod:

And for interesting reading practice for all levels visit Adsotrans:
Has pinyin and definition pop-up window for each word in the articles.

Interested in pinyin:

Using pinyin to input chinese characters on Windows XP and other pinyin tools?:

Happy Chinese,

1 comment:

Bob said...

Just to let you know about, wich offers a lot of online tools to work or learn chinese.
- Chinese online editor
- Pinyin online editor
- Chinese annotator
And many more...
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